How Do I Change Package Name?

Help Me Somebody

Please search the community. This has been asked/answered many many times over.

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This is very simple. Use the latest version of APK Editor Studio. There is an option to Clone APK. Use it by entering a new package name. Then save the APK using your signing keys.


This tool has already been available since version 1.5.0, but it is still experimental and there are supposed to be bugs, as you can read in the support forum: Cloning APK · kefir500/apk-editor-studio · Discussion #39 · GitHub


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I tried it yesterday, no errors occurred. Apk works without any problem.

Maybe in version 1.5 there were problems, now there is version 1.7.1 and probably many have been improved. So he has to test, try and in case of problems he can always use a more difficult way from your link.

Found an alternative in the github link you provided:

And a link to the thread about this tool:

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Thanks For Your Help

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