How do I block one or more selection in spinner?

Hi, this is for my college assignment which carries marks. I really need your help.

your block image is not readable. Please explain in details what you want to achieve?

What I want to achieve is:

  1. One time slot only once
  2. Show others that certain time slots are booked by others

so this is my understanding:

  1. you are making a booking app.
  2. only one use maximal to book on same day.

then this app is for the user who accept booking, or for other users who make booking?

Yes and its for other users who make booking

then the tinydb is not the right component. you may need to use tinywebdb, or other db like clouddb, firebase.
clouddb is suggested, it has more function than tinywebdb.

And for save a booking, you can use the date like '20241009' as the tag, user name/profile as value.
before save the booking, get the tag value, if the tag NOT exists, then save the booking info, otherwise tell user this date is not available.

Can you help me send an example of an appointment booking app with timeslots. For example, Music Room booking.

as you said, this is your college assignment, i can not do it for you.
but you are welcome to ask here if any problem.

you can search 'appointment' in this forum, which maybe give you some idea.

Ok. Thank You.