How do I avoid multiple screens?

In one screen I have 70 buttons with names of football teams
For each team I have a picture.
When I click a button I want to see the relevant picture in a blank screen.
I can't create 70 screens.
How can I have just one "landing" screen for all 70 buttons/pictures?
Thank you for your help!

How many buttons did I need for this app?

The app structure is simple

"Screen 1" is the homepage. Here we have a clickable button with the league logo, that opens "Screen 2"

In "Screen 2" we have 70 clickable buttons. Each button is a team.

I have uploaded a picture for each team. (70 pics)

When i click a team button in "Screen 2" i want to open the relevant team picture in a different screen "Screen 3", where I have a back button to go back to "Screen 2"
I want this to happen for every team button.

Thank you!

Rather than having a bunch of buttons, make a dictionary with the football teams and their image path. Then insert a ListViewer with List of items = Dictionary keys.
Finally, as soon as an item is clicked, make an image dialog appear, while selecting the correct image using the dictionary.

ListViewer.aia (I used this [F/OS] ⚠️ DaffyDialog - Additional Features For The Notifier Component!)


I slightly modified @nice example, it does what you wrote without 70 buttons and more pages.

ListViewer.aia (286.6 KB)

Thank you all!
I see that there are different options available.
I will try and find the best for my project.
Have a great new year!