How do I AppendValueToList when WIFI has changed?


My question is, how to AppenedValueToList on cloudDB when the Wifi has changed (for example, from home WIFI to a restaurant WIFI) so that the connection between devices wont be lost.

I know that I can use the Taifun's WIFI extension with a clock component to check the WIFI
connection every second but I don't know how to do it. I'm trying to see what block to use to compare the current WIFI connection (like changing from the home WIFI to a restaurant WIFI) so that when it's not the same, it would AppendValueToList.

I think that the WIFI SSID is the one to compare.

So basically, every time I connect to a new WIFI it would AppendValueToList and remember that WIFI connection so that it would check it again every second.

Thanks to anyone who would like to help!

When running the app, write the current ssid to a variable. Then use a clock to compare the current ssid retrieved from the extension block with that stored in the variable. If the ssid is different, write the new ssid to the variable and save tag in CloudDb . Variables are the basis of programming, don't think extensions will replace all your skills.

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I cannot add the SSID to a variable.

Can you show me an example of the blocks please? Thank you.

In screen initiation block ...

Oh, ok. Now it doesn't show any problem.

And what do you mean by that? Is it to AppendValueToList?

Yes, AppendValue.

ok. like this?

Should be OK.

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