Hi @mike,
I am Diego Barreiro, contributor to MIT App Inventor, App Inventor apps developer for years (in both AI2, Thunkable and AppyBuilder) and CEO of Junnovate, LLC
I just want to clarify a few things you said about us, and add a few points to what Evan said (which summarized really well what we thought).
- You said that both Kodular and AB are under the same company, but it was not like that a few months ago. That happened in August-September.
Before, AB has been registered in Maryland for many years, and Kodular (as Makeroid) in the Netherlands.
- Yes, we are a company, but to be honest we are not getting any profit. If you had investigated a bit more, you would have found this, and you will see that we have been losing money for a few months, and now we are just paying servers with the revenue, leaving no profit at all.
Now, let me mention the whole team at Kodular, which are all registered members here, and that ALL are MIT App Inventor contributors (and part of the @mit-cml organization): @Conor @Hossein @Mika @pavi2410 @Sander0542 @sivagiri @vishwas
Some of the changes we added first to Kodular have given back to MIT App Inventor sources. Yes, we are closed source, but we know all the work App Inventor team has to do, and that is how we try to thank them for this incredible platform.
We are investing most of our time working at Kodular. It is a full-time job, but the majority of us are students. So, sum a student working day plus a job working day. I don't think it is needed to explain that this is a lot of time. There are some days that I spend +10 hours working on the project, some of my other colleges did too. Some days during the week (quite frequently) I just go to sleep at 5 AM because I have to finish some work at Kodular (for example, I remember the re-launch day, 22nd June 2018, which I slept nothing preparing the release). That invested time goes indirectly to MIT App Inventor as well, because some of those changes made to our sources come back to MIT.
And, personally, I have contributed to lots of open source projects. So I know that free working is nice, but you cannot invest all your time for free, you have to live. This is why we not (only) contribute to App Inventor, we also run our own company.
As Evan pointed out, we are not getting market from AI2. Our platform is more focused on professionals or businesses. And being so, it helps App Inventor to gain even more reputation, as indirectly it is targetting new sectors that would not be able to do by itself due to its nature.
I really appreciate this, as it is clear that you did not know the entire background of the story. But please, before posting again, make sure you know everything before you start defamation...
And you said in a prior post that you were waiting for iOS for more than 7 years. That feels weird to me, as you did never heard about AppyBuilder or Kodular during that time...
Remember, (closed) source forks can be good, as changes made by them can be are being brought back to the original source.
I learned to code being 13 y/o with App Inventor. You don't really know the love I have for this platform, and how much I care about it. And I think I can clearly say the same for the rest of my colleges.
We hope you can apply that same sentence here, as this is not the feeling we have right now.
It's nice to know everything was clarified. But we felt really attacked at first...
We hope that now that you know more about the background, you understand our position in the project, and don't see us as evil demons.
Hope everything is fine now