How can we create dropdown options?

I mean, if a user click burger in a shopping page, then he has to choose one of the option from the dropdown menu like 1) Small 2) Medium 3) Big.

How can we achieve this?

Try a spinner component


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Maybe this can help You:

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How can we create infinity text boxes to get infinity user inputs? These user inputs will be the elements of spinner (drop down options). User has to decide, how much spinner elements (drop down options) he wants to create. Can you help me with blocks?

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I mean, when an user enters some text in one text box, the other empty text box has to appear below, so he can type another text there as well and the process has to continue infinitely. When the user feels comfortable with the data he is entered/typed, then he will hit submit button finally.

How can we do this?

In my app, i wish to provide option for users to create categories for their products. They can/have-to create infinity categories according to their wish. So, only i need what i told above.

Use a single multiline textbox, users can press return for each new category name, then convert this to a list when they press submit


what is multiline text box? is it different from ordinary/usual text box? OR do you mean that allow users to enter all data within a single text box one after other?

There is a checkbox in the designer to make a textbox multiline, yes, that is what I mean.

Creating a new textbox each time would require a dynamic components extension and several blocks of code to handle the output.


You also could have only one textbox and a button

On button click the text from the textbox could be stored in a list and the list could be displayed in a lisrview or in a spinner,

after storing the text set the text from the textbox to empty string and enter the next item


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