How can use the block when screen1.backpressed for disable?

i would like to block the back buttom from device. when i use the back button from device to make do nothing i search in block controls but not exist this block do nothing

Like this just use the empty block


yes i am using that but is there a form to make when i press the back button device physical to make nothing only if using the conditional if is satisfied?

i would like block or disable the back button physical device but i cant found this.

You want to do this outside of your app as well ?

You may need to search Google for a solution, probably requiring a 3rd party app....

maybe dont understand my point. the back button device is when you back using the button in the down screen of the device. its possible to disable temporary? using the block back press screen initialize for do nothing?

Not sure I do understand....

You could set if/elseif/else statements in the backpressed event to handle certain situations in your app ?

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@TIMAI2 I think yes.
@CanalDTodoUnPoco_PC you can use this block with a true block