How can my app receive an intent?

I can open an app 2 with Activity sarter and send data to this app with Extras.
but in this app 2 how may i receive sent data ?

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Well...i found how to do this.

in first app with AI

or in Android studio

and in receiving App

but my problem is not really here:
I have an AI app running, and a service running in background
I want my service pass a text to my app without opening an other one...but startActivity open apps !

But i think it's not simple to newbies to use Activity starter, because explanations are dispatched on 2 differents pages...


and i don't know how to find the second one but with google

maybe i'd be fine to have a link on the first one to the second is a sort of tutorial.

ActivityStarter is the component documentation

Current discussion topics about ActivityStarter are here

go to the App Inventor 2 Help Menu Help>Library and read the topics.

I just put a link to the ActivityStarter in the Using the Activity Starter (App Inventor2) tutorial.

Ok so there are 3 pages about Activity starter. eache of them give some informations
I think those pages are quite good but we should but there is no link to navigate from one to other...

but i don't find her how could i do that...
I was imagine to use a file in order to pass informations between my apps, but with Android 11 new restrictions about files i don't know where could i have this file in order to be acces by both of my apps...

if so ask the service app to send data in background