How can I use the WebViewString?

#off topic
@TIMAI2 can you tell what exactly does the
window.AppInventor.setWebViewString( ); does

#off topic
hey @TIMAI2 i had a small doubt can you tell what exactly
window.AppInventor.setWebViewString( ); does

This is best explained here:

can you tell in short i read that but quite didn't understood it

I would tell you the same thing!!

in response, what exactly do you not understand, it seems clear enough to me. You send using the webviewstring and capture content with the get, and return content with the set capturing content with the when changed.

hey i have made a html code to get coordinates and i have a website out of that i just wanted to ask is

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  1. Did you try it ?
  2. Did It work ?
  3. Did you read what I and @SteveJG wrote in the other topic that advised you that this method would not provide you with any time/speed advantage over existing methods using the built in blocks/components and location sensor?
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