How can I use multiple clocks share one timer

I use a extension CompCreator, that I want generate the corresponding number of labels and buttons based on the amount of data in my firebase, and also I need generate corresponding clocks , when i click a button ,and it'll trigger corresponding clock open,but that extension only can generate template object , didn't for me that all clocks corresponding timer evet, so when i click one button immediately afterwards click second button my any timer event confusion will occur, how can I solve this matter ...

It got confusing from here (and also in your topic title):

Perhaps you you to provide a simple blocks example of what you are trying to achieve, with a step by step explanation. CompCreator is very powerful, and should enable you to do most things dynamically.

I try to make like invite in the game,when I click button and send invite ,open clock start counting 20 seconds, only when the countdown is over can press the button a second time to send the second application. This is what I probably want to do...

second application ?

As above, show your relevant blocks/screenshots, and give a clear explanation of what you want to do ...

Perhaps you want something like this ?


Keep the data separate from the components in a data base.

You only need one clock if you turn the timing into sheet music.

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