How can I use custom webview to upload files with permission request?

how to use cusom webview to upload files with permission request

You can use this block:

Inside that, add your upload blocks!

Thanks for your quick response.let me try

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It'll ask for a notifier dialogue right? Please help me for asking file permission in custom webview so that it asks for file permission and let me choose the file

The Notifier dialog just does that...


Inside that, add your upload blocks!// what's upload blocks sorry I'm a beginner. Thanks!

These blocks are very important to add below the Notifier block

Screenshot 2022-03-24 203413

Screenshot 2022-03-24 203506

And please do not reply twice :slight_smile:

Thank you verymuch.It lets me upload files without asking for permission .strange how it works

The notifier is the one who asks for permissions.....