I've now downloaded Anke's extension to get the ASD for my app (called FE2). This is /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/appinventor.ai_mickofemsworth.FE2/files . I then tried the path /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/appinventor.ai_mickofemsworth.FE2/files/filename in the Sharefile block to share a file I saved as filename. Unfortunately I got the same file not found error. I also tried saving the file using the long path which resulted in a file could not be created error. I'm probably doing something stupid but I haven't a clue what. Any suggestions??
you are storing the file to the private app directory but you are trying to share it from the application specific directory, which is different
you might want to save the file to the ASD, you can use a method rom @Anke's extension for this...
Thanks for this Taifun. I have tried saving the file to the path given by Anke's ASD extension but this doesn't work. You say I can use a method from @Anke's extension for this, but I can't find it - please can you tell me where it is?
This is based on the assumption that the ASD is the same as the private directory. Taifun says this is not so, so I found a path for the private directory somewhere (one of Anke's posts?):
which resulted in a different error: "failed to find configured root that contains .../data/data/app...
I also tried putting
in TextBox1_SaveFile - this produced a file could not be created error.
I'm slightly confused about which discussion you are referring to. One of your posts is about saving a file called /test.txt or /a.txt. This isn't a problem because I can share using /sdcard/test.txt. The problem is when there's no / so the file is stored in the app's private directory.