How can I retrieve data in a dictionary?

Hi, I'm working on Firebase and I have this realtime database

So I want to retrieve all the information and save it into a dictionary, but I don't know how to do it in APP Inventor, since all the calls are handled by the "tag list" handler. Plus, after saving it into a global variable, if I show it inside the handler with a label I can see it correctly, but if I do that outside I can't


Thanks in advance

If you have no authentication rules then you could use Web component to get all data from firebase.

Set Web1.Url to


and then when Web1.GotText get responce content in json format. Afterwards you can use dictionary blocks and create lists according to your needs

Many thanks, for personal purposes I need to use Firebase blocks, but if that is not possible I dont have too many choices, what do you think?

Try something like this


I will add an ID field to Firebase so that solution will work the same way as I need, Thank you very much!

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