How can i remove the black area after setting the status bar to false

Do i have to type the same number?

As I said, right mouse click on this block, Do it and post the result.

No. (Which number?)


This is my Do it result from this block.

I have to go, maybe we're doing it tomorrow, have a great day!

Ok, if Do it is grayed out, you need to connect to Companion first.

Post a screenshot of this app:
Statusbar_test3.aia (16.4 KB)

Why is that? Why do you need the pixels and other thing?

As I said...

Is there something secret about these values? I don't think so.
(Such values ​​can be found in any device documentation.)

Then try this one:
Statusbar_test2a.aia (16.4 KB)

and post screenshots (with CheckBox checked & unchecked).

Can you just put all on one aia file


I'm sorry for making you misunderstood

or just change this in Statusbar_test2.aia:


It's being above 100+ posts on this topic but not have solution for the query,
Query = Cannot be solved,
But user1 need to get the answer from the query all masters and professionals are busy to make a new android device for the user1 but the user1 is only want to hide statusBar which is not possible said again and again but the user1 is not listening to the developers making new android for him which does not have the statusBar.

user1 = NotARealPersonButQueryIs....


I believe I have it, just a few more minutes for testing....