How can i remove the black area after setting the status bar to false

I have the sensation that I know a native resource to solve this... but it is so simple, so simple, that I do not understand why it has not been quoted so far »


63 post later, wasn't my suggestion satisfied enough


I did this but it ended up with the black area

Unselect this screen property does not leave the black area... simply hides the status bar and releases the area to the user. Note the comparison between the two images. You get an 'extra' space when the bar is hidden. This will be black or will not depend on the background color that will be used for the screen.

Check in Companion...


@Lito your suggestion will not work on phones with notch screen


But hiding the status bar in a notch screen will not bring any gain of useful screen area ... except the small sides ...

I don't have any device notch screen to test... but on my device I got a good number of vertical pixels when hiding the status bar.

I hope this can help some people, because it seemed to me an extremely complex discussion for such a simple native solution... ^^


Why do people climb mountains...?


Don't give up, I will try to find a way for you give me sometime. :pray:

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Thank you

This is before setting the status bar to false

And this is after setting the status bar to false

Can you see the black area after setting the status bar to false and my device has notch

I dont understand what your saying

This was aimed at @Lito for being somewhat dismissive about the desire to hide the black area when there is a cutout.

The answer, of course, is "because they are there"

Thanks for telling me

Give me a phto of the notch of your phone, from another camera.


That kind of notches cannot be removed by any procedure yet, i also checked YouTube App's and more popular apps Like WhatsApp and more, they all have further methods to make cool their notches but they also can't be able to remove it. This method is not in the Android SDK for notches like this, but if you have mobile like dot like notch or camera hole only there are some possibilities to prevent that with above methods provided by professionals and mine also.

You need to try for a designs and Can make custom title bar to make adjustments in the Status Bar, It will more suits your app's UI if you make your own title bar and change the Status Bar designs by your creative mind.

I hope you understoods me better, and If you need any designs related issues I am open to help you with open arms.

At the moment, the best you can do is:

Use Taifun's Tools extension and the "HideContent" block, which "moves" the screen up and behind the status bar.

Next make the status bar colour transparent, using the StatusBarColor property with 16777215.

What is required is to also make the status bar text either transparent or to go away, which is currently not possible.

Btw @User_Enforce is this app for your own personal use, if so then there should be a setting in your phone for this..

Too over come fear of height.

I understand but why the other games or apps are able to transparent and hide the status bar text, it should work on other extension