How can I play a video so that it doesn't show the video controls even when I click on it(video)?

Hi, I want to put a video in my project (video player)that doesn't show the video controls even when I click on it(video).thanks

Do need sound?

Do you need to be able to do anything else, other than watch the video?

Hi,thanks.I want the user to not be able to skip to the beginning or end of the video or stop it and Can't forward or rewind video and only watch video.

If you do not need sound, then you can use html5video in a webviewer

If you do need sound, then you could use an extension to overlay the videoplayer to prevent interaction

Hello, is it possible to enter code directly in App Inventor?

That code has to be in an html file.

I provided you with a solution using the videoPlayer as well...

Thanks, I used your solution but the rest of my project components are disabled. Is there a simple solution to disable the video controls?Is there a code to disable video controls? And can I insert this code into the App Inventor html file?I faced two problems in a project. One was aligning the list view and the second was disabling video controls. Although friends in the App Inventor community provided solutions, using their solutions created new problems that I couldn't solve.

This code in an html file, played back in a webviewer, should play the video without controls (and without sound)

<!DOCTYPE html>

<video width="320" height="240"autoplay muted>
  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
  Your browser does not support the video tag.


Your video and html file need to be in the same directory.

With the videoPlayer method, you could replicate the buttons/components in the customSheet.

But if the whole idea is for users to watch the video, why do they need access to other components ?

(added to FAQ)

Hello and thanks, I have created an online dictionary project (google sheets as data base)that explains a word in text, image, speech, and video. The person must view the text, image, speech, or video at the same time. I have provided personalized controls for the video, but the video controls themselves mess up the layout, so I don't want the user to be presented with the video controls when they click on the video.

OK, try this:

noControlsVideo.aia (526.7 KB)

Hello, thank you. If the movie address is on Google Drive, how do we import it?
(for example:ausin_2.mp4 - Google Drive)

Can't find a solution for that at the moment, might just be easier to download the video first, then load it from the device. Your videos may need to be encoded for streaming.

Hello,thanks. if possible, please provide the .aia file for the video without the video controls from Google drive. Thank you.

There is no such aia, it does not work.

"might just be easier to download the video first, then load it from the device".
If possible,please made .AIA file. thanks.

Use the web component to download the google drive video, to your ASD, get the filepath, then set this to your video html. You may need to re-encode your videos to webm format for this to work.

Try this

noControlsVideo (1).aia (4.3 KB)

video is only 450kb