How can I open/read from a file?

I make file with data.
How can i open (read) from specific file?
I need to write filename
Search for this filename
Open if exist, or message if not.
I have something like that

Use the File1GotText block to access the data read from the file.

for example:


Show all relevant blocks, especially how you create the path (folder): /aaaa/.
The File component cannot create a (new) folder, but only save data (.txt) in existing dirs / folders.

Its just simple foler, whit one i create. But not the folder is my problem, but searching for filename.

As I said:

Yes, i know.
I create this folder on phone. Folder exist.
Whats wy i say "folder its not my problem".
I use existing dir /aaaa.
Program create file with no problem on /aaaa

See below post

if you get your solution running, it will stop working after App Inventor targets SDK30, because starting from then we will be able to save something only to the ASD - application specific directory...
so my suggestion would be to store to that directory already now...
for details do a search in the community...
btw. which Android version are you using for your tests?


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

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Huawei Mate 10 lite
Show me Android ver. 8.0.0