How can I make videoplayer not visible after the video is completed

I am trying to have the video player to become visible.false after the video is played. I couldn't obtain that from the VideoPlayer1.Completed block.
As an alternative l had to put the videoplayer inside a Horizontal arrangement (horiz_video) and use the block when screen1.BackPressed . That alternative worked.
However , I would still like to try to use the VideoPlayer1.Completed block. Any ideas? Tks.

Hi @YoussefM,
Can you try to set the FullScreen property to false before hiding the video player component?
It seems to be , that the Visible property doesn't work if the FullScreen property is enabled.

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Yes, it only works if the VideoPlayer is not in FullScreen mode, as @MohamedTamer suggested.

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Yes it worked. Thank you @MohamedTamer and @Anke.

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