How can i make an app that has scrolling kinda like Tiktok/Sorts/Reels?
No, i mean like tiktok, youtube shorts, instagram reels, not just normal scroll were you could be in the middle of 2 videos
You don't undestand!
Show an example of what you want to do, and what you have achieved so far...
You most probably want some sort of dynamic cardview listing.
I am trying to make a TikTok inspired app called VibePost, and for scrolling videos I would like to do something to like what Tiktok/Youtube Sorts/Instagram Reels does to display the videos
Other than previously suggested perhpas a carousel-ling vertical view pager containing a suitable video player... ( I looked at Youtube Shorts on my phone - for the first and probably only time)
And how could I achive making this? How do I make it?
Search for view pager extensions
On reflection it may be easier to use html ?
e.g. something like: