How can i make the listView to go down

I'am making a chat app, but when i send message for too many the listview doesn't scroll down by itself, and i wanted it to scroll, how can i make the list view to scroll down by itself?
Thank you.

Here's a sample from another thread:

In that thread, an entire list of data was arriving.
You would not need the for each loop if you are just inserting one item at slot 1.

You would still need the local elements list for the insert block, though.

Have you considered reversing the list of messages, so that the latest message is at the top?

I dont use bluetooth component, i use cloudDB.

So you would use a different event block, appropriate to your application.

The guts are what matter.

What do you mean by this?

The blue insert list block that is at the center of code is the trick to use.

It's the pearl in the oyster.

Ok but can you tell me how are you doing an chat app with bluetooth?

From the chat FAQ

Bluetooth chat - Taifun

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