I sent the vid
I can't see it on mobile . I don't know why
Because he did incomplete upload.. before it comple he post the video
I wasn't sure about this but I thought it
sorry man my fault. I use "procedi alle bevande" since I can't go directly from the listview. I thought that selecting it and using "procedi alle bevande" could be an idea. Here is the video, again, sorry
Wrong link
You are using two different components, when web got text you used list picker2 to upload items and then you used listadolci to save it in the tinyDb. You have to use always the same. In screen 2 too, you made the same
In my opinion you can set your app in only one screen, take a time to study what you want and how, draw your app on the paper and then starts with the code. Take a look at the virtual screen, it is very easy so you haven't to move data.
Where users identify them? The number of the table, one name or something like this?
I have converted your last aia project to virtual screens as best I can.
You may want to try it and see what needs doing....
appsayonata_revised_4.aia (74.9 KB)
I'm using this just as prototype, then I'm mixing all of the different things
I opened the app and it says this
so I tried putting directly the link into the web blocks but still same thing
I removed the second popup bur the one behind still shows even after changing links
I will have a look later, didn't have a chance to test last night.
absolutely, it's my problem you can have how much time you want
I'm in school right now I will check at home
Hello it's me again, I saw your project and it's perfect, but when I was thinking you did all your good work I thought on what should I do if the customer wants to select multiple things.
I saw online some solution but none of them came up with a real solution