I am learning appinventor and i want to add something in manifest file through my own copy of ai2 and also can i do this by am extension
Edit 1: actually I want to add deep linking
Edit 2solution:
Youcan edit manifest file from compiler.java file which is located in buildserver in src
Basically I want to add deep linking and this is not what I want
You asked "i want to add something in manifest" and my answer was exactly what you need for that.
Now it is suddenly about "deep linking".
… see here:
It is not suddenly of you want deep linking then you need to add an intent filter to manifest check this https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://medium.com/%40muratcanbur/intro-to-deep-linking-on-android-1b9fe9e38abd&ved=2ahUKEwivne_L6-nnAhVF73MBHVX6AuQQFjANegQICxAz&usg=AOvVaw2j0xwIWC300zomSBF6am7d
It is clear to me, but why don't you ask the right / whole question, which is actually about?
My bad…
Can you please help me with this
Ok i found solution
You can edit manifest file from compiler.java file which is located in buildserver in src
You can guide me how you did to edit this .java