How can I DrawText on Canvas1 and use it as Canvas2.background later?

Hi, I would like to generate 7 random numbers and drawText on Canvas1. After click a button, the image saved would became Canvas2 background. How do I do this? I hope the method would work for both iOS and Android. Even better for both App Inventor Companion and compiled.

Is it possible not to involve with saving files or ask permissions? Just want it to be easier.


What will the 7 random numbers be between 1-10, 1-100, 1-1000? Other?

Which ? To save or not to save, that is the question ?

I would cheat and save in TinyDB the numbers and their locations, then use those when setting up Canvas2.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear.
Can I not save the file but move it (background with numbers printed on it) to the media list.

Thank you,

But I would like it to be the Canvas2 background image. Is it possible?

Here's a demo with lines and text as arrow heads.
arrows.aia (4.5 KB)
Sample Run


@ABG Thank you, this worked for me!
In the end, I just want to escape from dealing with permissions and Android versions... :slight_smile:


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