How can I display DB data in my listview? / Como puedo mostrar datos de la DB en mis listview?

This will require quite a few changes to achieve. Give me some time to work it through.

I believe this will do it:

Hi again Tim! I have added that to this to the app but it gives me the following error:
The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments. {"06/17"}, {1}

Yes, I didn't test it, more work required....

Ok Thanks You can get it. :slight_smile:

It was simpler than I thought! Unfortunately, you will have to undo most of the changes I previously suggested. All the work is done in the last set of blocks.

good morning Tim! That works correctly. Since we are with afterpicking to modify any component of the list?
Example: (001) (Paint house) (starts 06/20) (Ends 07/30)

LW1 (001)
LW2 (Action)
LW3 (Start)
and when the action has finished, be able to add an end date.
LW4 (End)

You should have everything you need to be able to work that one out for yourself!

I told you that I will reward you for your help by paysafecard, paypal or other means.

Do you want me to move this topic to the For Hire section ?

Ok it seems perfect to me!

Hi Tim!!I I can't find the tropic with this problem. Have you been able to find out what I must add to be able to modify after pressing? I hope not to bother. Thanks

Perhaps a $20 donation to MIT App Inventor will result in a solution for you?

It seems perfect to me, although I don't trust putting bank details on the net. Any problem if it is done through Paysafecard?

You can use Paypal

Apart from paypal is there any other way? I have been looking at Paysafecard and it is only valid for Europe. Are you in Europe?

You offered paypal earlier in the thread, that is why I pointed you to it. The MIT justgiving site offers credit card or paypal payments only.

Your solution will be ready as soon as you are

Sorry I don't know how I get to the entrance, can you guide me ?:
1-https: // FundId = 3832320
2-Add in the field ($) 20
3-Select give type one time
4-Press Paypal
It is right?

Yes...that looks right to me

Tonight I will try to make it effective. :slight_smile:
For you to understand better what I need, I open a thread where I specify better since I don't know if I explained it well. Thanks for your interest again.