How can i create two-dimensional array?


i want to make two-dimensional array. How could i make it? List, dictionary or what is the way to make it?

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I see. So a list of a list. And even i made a test to add to a dictionary for JSON purpose.
Thank you.

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Is your data sparse (values few and far between) ?

Will you be updating your data frequently, with a tweezers?

Will you need multiscreen access to your data?

Will you need long term access to your data?

Will you need more than 2 dimensions for your data?

If you store your data in TinyDB with tag = row,column you get all that.

The cost is a bit of work to traverse all rows and columns if you want to export it as csv text.

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Thank you for your suggestion.
The data is [150][4] array.
Though no need for multiscreen acces and mre dimension, but worth considering for long term acces.
I will think about it, Thank you.

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