How can i create the app that will check constantly for the update of "Google sheet-new data' and ring music if new data got updated?

How can i create the app that will check always for the update of 'Google sheet-new data' and ring music if new data got updated?

Is it possible to do something like this,

  1. Parse the google sheet data and store it,
  2. After 1 minute, parse the google sheet data again and check if the new data & old data are equal. If not equal ring a music.

Or otherwise, can we do something like this,

Assume, column 1 will display 'time' each time when the entire row got updated. So,

Can we do this,

If Time got increased from last time (that was saved in app) then ring the music + save the new time.

Or otherwise, can we do something like this,

We have to create 2 googlesheets. If googlesheet 1 got updated, the app will parse it and update it in googleheet 2. After updating the row data in google sheet 2, it will delete all the data of google sheet 1.

So, if the google sheet 1 is not empty, then play music else clock will watch the google sheet 1 to continue the process.


When sheet 1 got updated, sheet 2 also must have to automatically get updated. One sheet is to watch the entry of new data and the data will be deleted immediately after watching. Other sheet will keep the updated data safe.