How about Add these New characteristic to App Inventor

  1. Block‘s argument all in a same horizon with tip on top of argument。So a block can less take up fewer vertical space。So we can read more codes in one screen。like normal program code。
  2. Special block for Copy or Clone a block in code dynamically。 Not just in desgin screen step.
  3. external file Read write permissions in android 11.

The write permission does not exist above Android 11.

I would recommend you to do a search in the community. We have some topics related to this issue. :slight_smile:

You can always zoom in and out of the blocks, and make use of "Inline Inputs" or "External Inputs".

If you would like to repeat some blocks, you can always make use of the Procedure blocks. You should also give more elaboration on this point, as I don't really understand what you mean.


thanks a lot

Special block for Copy or Clone a block in code dynamically。 Not just in desgin screen step.
---> -------
Special block for Copy or Clone a component in code dynamically。 Not just in the block edit screen .
I mean, Init a component in block Screen. eg: create a button while app running .
sorry for poor english .

use an extension like CompCreator