How a popup menu can link to other screens or a web page?

  1. Read the (externsive) documentation
  2. Use this block


Sorry, I write about : URSAISideBar1
not about: UrsAI2Popup1
unless they work together and I put this extension as well?



It works and thank you very much

I wanted to put a seventh tag and that's it here on the picture!
Is there a way to get over 5-6-7- or more elements?
And not to make a red x?

You only need one "AfterSelecting" block, but you can differentiate the selected element with the item number assigned in "ItemNo".

You probably mean something like this

But now I see another problem is occurring.
Any menu button I press takes me out with the screen page, with all the pages and the ability to share and send emails.
I want sharing and sending e-mails to appear in the 2 respective menu-buttons

That's what I was telling you, to use ItemNo to discriminate.

If ItemNo == 1, then....
If ItemNo ==2, then....

Inside the "AfterSelecting" block:

Ok, I found it with your help.
sorry, but I'm a newbie, need more patience with me.
Thank you very much