Ho can i hide address bar in chrome browser?

hello, i really need your help.

i want to hide"url" when i use chrome browser using activity starter.

is it possible?

thank you.

Hi @serat Welcome
You should use webviewer.

thank you for your answer. but, what i want to is not this. can i get some aia? url shouldn't be on the bar.

webview is good but some url on the webpage for sharing is not working in webview.
showing like intent://... error.

so i want to use activity starter~ for webapp.

i don't want to show this url for user. i just want to hide it.

Actually webviewer does not support those URLs.
I suggest you to use CustomWebView.

It does if you tick "ignoreSSLErrors" in designer.

I wanted to write URIs there but somehow it become URLs.
Webviewer does not support all of them such as whatsapp:// and mailto://