Hit by deobfuscation, what is the(Google Play) warning?

Hi there,
I submitted to release my application into Google Play Console, but get an warn that



There is no deobfuscation file associated with this app bundle. If you use obfuscated code (R8/ProGuard), uploading a deobfuscation file will make it easier to analyze and debug crashes and ANRs. Using R8/ProGuard can result in a smaller app size. Learn more

I make this application with only AppInventor2, it seems inevitable.
Can I apply this ?R8/ProGuard? to application AAB ?
If there are counter measure to delete this warn , tell me it.


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Ignore it.

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Hi there & vknow360,
I apology to have subscribed this topic without looking up the old topics.
I know later,
Some one, Ms Anke already subscribed to Mr. Adams that warn does not stop to proceed to publication,

Thank you

Google Play Console says I've only completed 2/3 steps because of this and won't proceed with internal testing. I'm not a computer programmer and can only use App Inventor.

ChatGPT did suggest I could fix this by creating an empty deobfuscation file by saving an empty Notepad file as mapping.txt and upload this under Quality-Android Vitals-Deobfuscation Files but I can't find the Android Vitals or Quality section on Google Play Console.

this is only a warning, just


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Apologies, it let me proceed despite the warning. I'm so used to seeing greyed out boxes I didn't expect to be able to proceed. Thank you for responding so quickly!