Hi, I need help to play FM radio without click button!

Hi, i'm a beginner with MIT App Inventor!
I try to create an app that i want to use on an old smartphone (clock alarm). The goal is to play radio with a PLAY-STOP button, but also that it's turn on automatically after a countdown!
Do i need 2 players? Is it possible without click?
A lot of heavy questions for me...
Thank's for your answers!!!
I join the .aia file if my english is too bad.... (don't be too severe, it's my very first app :grin:)Waky.aia (744.7 KB)

Yes, it should be possible. But you have to set the Player.Source and that is missing in your aia.

Hi Anke,
Thankā€™s for your quick answer! But on my screen itā€™s appears!!
After that, I made a simulation on the first alarm (my emulator is always crashing if I skip of screen) and all my result after the big ā€œANDā€ test is ā€œtrueā€. But my player doesnā€™t start!!!
I make mistakes, but I donā€™t know where?!?
I send you the .aia with the test partā€¦
Thankā€™s again for your interest!
Waky.aia (746,3 Ko)

I see. You set the Player.Source on Screen3 (I didn't notice Screen3).

Describe in detail when, where, which error / issue occurs:

  1. Do this ... (result)
  2. do that ... (result)
  3. do ...

and what should happen.

Note: You must disable the Clocks.

Guten morgen Anke,
Firstable I put default values in all labels!
I would like to listen the radio whenever I want and when it's time to wake-up, the radio turns automatically on.
IF i only program the radio Play-Stop button, it's working, it's playing my favorite radio station.
As soon as I program the "count-down" of the alarms... no more sound!!!
I put a TEST1 label to control if all the conditions are "true" to start the Alarm player. When it's become "true" nothing is happening. To see if something moves, I just put the volume from 50 to 10 (slider down) if the test is "true" and it's working... but still no sound!!!
I don't understand what happens with the sound player or the clocks.. as you said!!!

I got it... For beginners like me, just read tutos and search in the community!!! All the answers are there..... Thanks Anke for your help!

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