Hi how can i add a pop up in here?

Hi so this is my block of code. It's a to do list app. What happens in here is that whenever i am done with a task and I click on that that task is removed from the list. However, what I also want to do here is that whenever I am done with a task and I click on that I want a pop up message text "congratulations" to appear. How can I do that?

Thank you!

Yes you can with a Notifier component.

can u show me how i can do it?

Export your project and post the aia here

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

todolist.aia (2.4 KB)

hi here u go

Sample run:


After choosing Delete:


todolist (1).aia (3.2 KB)


I added a couple of things:

  • Loading the list at startup
  • Making the deletion optional in the popup.
  • Renaming components in the Designer with purposes.
  • Renaming a variable to include its type (List)

hi thank you very much for that..I just had one more question..so is there like any way to add a functionality like to see how many tasks I have done to see my progress each day....just was curious to add different functionalities...is there a way to do it?
Thank you


Add an extra list to TinyDB under tag 'done', filled with a list of all the tasks that you have completed.

Add completed tasks to the 'done' list before removing them from the 'tasks' list.

You can summarize the list using the length of List block to get a count.

Hi is it possible u can help me to do it? I am a bit clueless honestly. I am really sorry to bother u

Export and upload your latest aia file here.

to_do_list_project1.aia (3.2 KB)

here it is


to_do_list_project1 (1).aia (4.0 KB)