Help with realizing an idea into an app

I'm helping my cousin with a school project, it's a customer management system, I felt it was too simple and suggested that we do mock up of providing a mobile banking app where there'll be customer info uploaded to firebase from a desktop application, if users request mobile banking option, then we provide them with a user name and password, that they can use to log in to the app and spend money !

  1. The users have to download the app, then we ask for sign up which will direct them to a application form with some info which will be stored in firebase under "pending request" .

  2. We'll upload customer data from desktop to firebase under "customers" and then for the sake of simplicity, we'll check requests from "pending request" against existing account number , name and mobile number and then generate username and password if all checks out to that mobile number.

Now, uploading to firebase "customers" , uploading a request to "pending request" is done, a login page is created, a simple UI to "spend" money is also done.

I'd like help for generating a notification with user name and password. I tried to use the aia given in oneSignal extensions page, but couldn't get it to work. i got the AppId following the tutorials, but what to do after that?

I had read about firebase cloud functions(which i feel is what we need here!), I know this is not the forum for it, but if that's the best bet, can anyone help me set it up?

Hi Somasundharam

I think your best bet is to ask Jarlisson Lira, the extension developer.

Do you like your cousin?

If you do, do not burden him with scope creep.

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I do like him! He's just starting it, he has some time before the submission, so hopefully I don't ruin it for him ! :+1: