Hi, im really struggling to define the question - No, seriously..
Ive got the app returning a text from a hard-coded listpicker (that part was easy)
but now I'm really struggling to use that variable as part of the URL to select ?Province = (variable)
// Declare Variable
$csv_output = "";
$Province = $_GET['province'];
$values = mysqli_query($dbc, "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE node_province = '$Province' ");
Any help much appreciated
November 11, 2020, 8:15pm
use a join block
A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook http://www.appinventor.org/book2 ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks.
There is a free programming course here http://www.appinventor.org/content/CourseInABox/Intro and the aia files for the projects in the book are here: http://www.appinventor.org/bookFiles
How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: http://www.appinventor.org/content/howDoYou/eventHandling .
Also do the tutorials Our Tutorials! to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor
Trying to push the limits! Snippets , Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Perhaps a misunderstanding. No Worrries. Thanks
November 12, 2020, 1:12am
what exactly is the question?
and what exactly does this have to do with listpicker, php and mysql?
if you want to ask a completely new question, then please start a new thread...
probably... please elaborate...
November 19, 2020, 1:12am
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