Help with an extension to connect with BLE?

Hi a want to create an app with app inventor but I dont understand how to obtain UIDD and characteristics from my "smart button" Flic 2 Product Page | Flic Smart Button. Can somebody help me please creating and extension?

GitHub - 50ButtonsEach/flic2-documentation: Documentation for Flic 2 here there is documentation about flic2

Thank you.

This page from the GitHub repo mentions the GATT service and characteristic UUIDs:

If anyone is interested in helping develop an extension, then this documentation I wrote about writing BLE-based extensions for another research group may be helpful:

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I would like some help creating an extension for this smart button. I would like to create an app which i can send, for example an A when I press once the button, a B when I press twice and a C when i press, for a long time the button.

I can pay to someone for this job

Hello, you won't get anywhere without Java.
Best regards

Yes, thanks, i know. Could you help me with this project?