For nb200a there are no differences. However, unless your keystores are in sync between the two servers you should always use ai2. The companion app is the same for both (the one in the Play Store).
Deleting a block using the Computer Delete key cannot be undone with Undo, neither is it in the "Trash"
Strange behaviour from companion, does not always respond to a blocks or values change if, for example, you change a value or the logic
Thanks for the reports. I will take a look.
I have not been able to replicate this. I tried deleting both individual blocks and groups of blocks using the multiselect feature. In both cases, I could use Cmd+Z to undo and I see the blocks in the trash can. Is there something specific about the blocks you are deleting that could be salient, e.g., extension blocks?
Confirmed that changing the field doesn't seem to resend the code.
This one has suddenly started working
will monitor
Nope, doing it again
Is it because there is a textbox1.text block already there ?
Seems to be blocks that are in a socket. Standalone single blocks delete to the Trash. Blocks in sockets just delete and disappear. Same issue if I delete blocks from the right click menu. This could be a big problem, given there is no delete warning dialog anymore.
I believe I have a fix for this.
Held shift, selected a few blocks... and... blam!! Luckily Ctrl Z is working.
Hmm. That's an interesting one I haven't seen before. Moving the blocks shouldn't cause them to expand like that.
there's more...
it seems it eats away at surrounding blocks too.
Can you PM me a copy of your project?
i quite like this may be a sitting in the protect properties to enable or disable this im forallways deleting blocks with 4 to 30 blocks in them
Yes, but at the moment, be careful:
Please also let me know what OS/Browser combination you are using that causes this. I tried replicating it with my own projects on macOS 15 with Firefox and was unable to reproduce it.
If it "helps" I see this behaviour on Linux/Chrome and on my Chromebook, which is very similar yo Charlies. By only selecting one block with the shift drag.
It expands the inner blocks in the other collapsed block! Not repeated after doing this the first time, as shown, but repeatable on restart of AI2 and opening project again.
I have been using chrome up til lately, but branching out to firefox to test apps in different environments
We can test another version with new fixes:
Closing, superceded by nb200b.
Hola, hace varios dias tengo un problema con el editor de bloques. Cuando descargo de la mochila mas de dos bloques, se queda bloqueado y no puedo hacer nada, no puedo mover, ni ocultar los que ya tengo en el editor, tengo que salir de app inventor y cuando entro de nuevo me ha añadido parte de los bloques