Help test nb196

I found it unworthy of a place in the UI components Drawer.
Maybe under Notifiers for special cases.

It's like an uninformative Progress Notifier that needs to be inserted somewhere onscreen (I imagine squirrelled away next to a tab label like in a browser tab) that you make .Visible before asking for a Web request then hide after getting a result back.

All it does is endlessly spin when visible, without the grace to let you see behind it.

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Then a property called currentProgress will be enough, not event needed.

For LinearProgress, would it be better to have one Color property setter instead of IndeterminateColor and ProgressColor? It would be more user-friendly IMO.

Circular and Linear Progress bar doesn't load in Companion (v 2.70), but works fine in build apk

you need new companion.

Did you try this?
I did not make it working:
You need to input xValueColumn and yValueColumn with the column name, not index.

And another problem is the DataFile.ReadFile is working asynchronously, we can not connect the importFromDataFile directly after it.

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The update was live and i have the recommended version from playstore

Your path is wrong. When sharing a file from the default scope it must not start with a "/" otherwise it is interpreted as an absolute pathname.

No, I set DefaultFileScope = Legacy. If I remove the / I get this:

It only works with DefaultFileScope = Shared.

It works with any scope other than Legacy. This is a new feature and therefore isn't bound or supported by the Legacy option.

No, though I had encountered the JSON input format a few weeks back for a charting thread, before this test release.

I was more focused on explanation than anything else, responding to

... to access the external storage.