The pop up can be closed, fortunately.
I imagine this is left over from code that checks for a new user by project count, but that has not been told about folders that might contain projects.
The pop up can be closed, fortunately.
I imagine this is left over from code that checks for a new user by project count, but that has not been told about folders that might contain projects.
I tried adding property categories for my extension. But, whatever I try, the properties are always shown as Unspecified
@SimpleProperty(description = "Set the amount of dim behind the dialog window. Use 0.0 for no dim and 1.0 for full dim.", category = PropertyCategory.APPEARANCE)
public float DimAmount() {
return dimAmount;
@DesignerProperty(editorType = PropertyTypeConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE_FLOAT, defaultValue = "0.5")
@SimpleProperty (description = "Set the amount of dim behind the dialog window. Use '0.0' for no dim and '1.0' for full dim.", category = PropertyCategory.APPEARANCE)
public void DimAmount(float input) {
dimAmount = input;
@SimpleProperty(description = "This property specifies whether the dialog should be fullscreen displayed or not.", category = PropertyCategory.APPEARANCE)
public boolean Fullscreen() {
return fullscreen;
@DesignerProperty(editorType = PropertyTypeConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN, defaultValue = "false")
@SimpleProperty (description = "This property specifies whether the dialog should be fullscreen displayed or not.", category = PropertyCategory.APPEARANCE)
public void Fullscreen(boolean input) {
fullscreen = input;
@SimpleProperty(description = "This property specifies whether HTML format" +
" should be enabled for the titles, messages and button texts of all dialogs.", category = PropertyCategory.APPEARANCE)
public boolean HTMLFormat() {
return html;
@DesignerProperty(editorType = PropertyTypeConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN, defaultValue = "false")
@SimpleProperty (description = "This property specifies whether HTML format should be enabled for the titles, messages and button texts of all dialogs.", category = PropertyCategory.APPEARANCE)
public void HTMLFormat(boolean input) {
html = input;
@SimpleProperty(description = "This property specifies whether light theme should be enabled for the dialogs.", category = PropertyCategory.APPEARANCE)
public boolean LightTheme() {
return light;
@DesignerProperty(editorType = PropertyTypeConstants.PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOLEAN, defaultValue = "true")
@SimpleProperty (description = "This property specifies whether light theme should be enabled for the dialogs.", category = PropertyCategory.APPEARANCE)
public void LightTheme(boolean input) {
light = input;
Is the "back" button when compiled bug fixed in this release?
Have you merged in the latest copy of master to your extension branch? If not, the category information is not included in the simple_components.json file and won't get pulled into your extension. If you are using the extension template, please wait until tomorrow when it gets updated with the latest release.
I'm not sure which bug you are referencing here, but my guess is probably not. Have you compiled an app on ai2-test to check?
I see @Boban tried, and found the bug still there.
We will aim to get that onto the schedule for the next release.