Help security , bugs ,apk security

some apk can extract the code from it ... my apk here in mit app i could extract the code after building it ( i act like attacker to see what is happenning ) but i saw a folder called app inventor !! ... i will publish my app and i don`t want any one to know that i made my app with mit how can i hide that folder if they act like attackers and extract the code ?????

or in another words how can generally prevent any one from get the source code from all folders ???

and i have another question also what is obufstcated text i want any example to show me how to obfst my api key pass123 ???

Delete that folder and test your apk file, is it still there?

Well, look at the package name of your app... actually I do not know, why anyone would want to hide that...

You can't get the source code from an apk file

Check the documentation MIT App Inventor Text Blocks
