Help newline on label

I have 1 textbox, 1 label and 1 button,
When pressing the data button in the textbox will display on the label and the next press will display in a new line.
For example:
_textbox: hello
press the button
lebel show:

For label without HTMLFormat:

blocks (3)

For label with HTMLFormat:

blocks (4)


thanks TimAI2:

After each press yes, the numbers in the label will be automatically added


Oh, do you want the numbers added up to give a total ?

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If you replace the Label with a ListView, or split the Label.Text at \n,
you can feed the list of numbers into a Sum procedure, attached …

Capture global number_list list_sum.aia (3.5 KB) plus sum when btnPlus Click when ListView1 AfterPicking when txbInput LostFocus

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I need to calculate the total in the label, can you help me? thank you

This is my application.

textlabel.aia (2.5 KB)

very simply:

blocks (5)