Help me to update apk

He, I am not skill in programming, i use appinventor to build apk, then I sign it whith AppToMarket.
When I update one of mine App on google console I get this message:

Upload refused
You upload an APK not signed whith original upload certificate. You must use the same certificate. The digital ID of the upload original certificate is

[ SHA1: 12:A7:2B:94:62:6E:46:6D:FC:2C:2E:99:15:AA:CB:A5:B2:08:3C:7C ]

, but the digital ID of the certificate used to sign the new updated APK loaded is

[ SHA1: 5E:B5:CF:57:8F:00:AE:FD:CE:CA:26:9B:92:27:27:F5:AB:8E:65:D3 ]


Where can I get the original certificate? and which steps must I follow ? I do not use android studio. When I upload the original apk I let the console product the ID certificate.

Thank you

Check out this

thank you very much!

No problem :wink: