Help me for my app (music radio player)

Ho iniziato a creare un applicazione mettendoci un pulsante di stop e uno di play che quando vengono spinti diventano invisibili, ho collegato con un link il player per sentire la musica da una radio, il problema è che se non dovesse andare la connessione sia prima o durante che sto ascoltando musica oppure il sito non funziona o durante che sto ascoltando o prima, vorrei che non si bloccasse come fa ora ma mi appaia un messaggio controllo connessione oppure il server non funziona... come posso fare?

I started to create an application by putting a stop button and a play button which when pushed become invisible, I connected the player with a link to listen to music from a radio, the problem is that if it doesn't work the connection is either first or while I'm listening to music or the site doesn't work or while I'm listening or before, I'd like it not to crash like it does now but I get a connection check message or the server isn't working... what can I do? also on ios or android. how can I do it? Nintendo blocks, both if the player doesn't play at all and if the connection doesn't work. for example the server loads but it doesn't work because the server is disconnected or you can't hear the music.


Please stop creating new topics for the same thing. You have a topic here for your issue.

Why no responses ? It is not really clear from what your write as to what your issue is.

It seems you have a problem with your music player / internet radio.

Try searching these terms on the community, there are many many topics about both of these.

If you do not find what you are looking for, then return here and ask specific questions, show your relevant blocks, show screenshots/video of your app to explain in detail where your issues lie.