Help me for build World Days app!

Hi everyone, I'm Italian.
I would like to create a world day app.

The app must have two functions:

  • the first is the one that you can see the list of all world days (month by month)
  • the second that on the main screen says today's date example: October 17, 2021

if today has a world day, after a check, the screen will show:
October 17, 2021 "World Poverty Eradication Day"
Can you teach me to understand the logic to create this application? Thanks in advance.

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Welcome Xinu.

What have you tried?


You can use like this

If month = 1 
Set label text to 1 month

If date = 15 august
Set label text to Happy Independence day
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Thanks guys for the quick reply... i'll try <3

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This is the method I used, it works.
Now I should make lists and checks that recall the current day and month. thanks again guys


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