Help me find 2 extensions and explain permissions behavior

  1. Extension that keeps screen on (in kodular it's built-in)
  2. Extension that have block to move task to back this block was built-in in kodular but it isn't here.

KeepScreenOn with @Taifun's TaifunTools extension.

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Thanks but does it adds any permission to manifest? like storage or anything?


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Thank you so much.

What's your problem with dangerous permissions? Because these are only relevant for Android versions lower than Android 6 (< API 23), i.e. before the runtime permissions was introduced. Because then the permissions are required and are / must be granted at install-time only on devices with Android < 6 .

No, but why not check for yourself?

And again, what's your problem with permissions? And what permissions do you mean:
normal or dangerous permissions?

I mean normal permissions

I don't want to ask storage permission unless my app wants it and also I don't even want internet permission in my manifest because for me it's completely useless and my app don't need it.

To get this straight once and for all.

On devices with Android ≥ 6:
As said, dangerous permissions are only requested at runtime on devices running Android ≥ 6. And exactly then - and only then - if

  1. they are automatically requested by a component or extension or if they are requested manually and
  2. they were also declared in the Manifest.

Normal permissions are automatically granted at install-time on Android ≥ 6, so users won't notice it there.

On devices with Android < 6:
All permissions (normal and dangerous) are requested at install-time and must then be granted in order to be able to install the app.

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So with that sorted out, the question again: what's your problem with permissions?

I've updated the topic to reflect the questions.

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