I'm trying to load a custom local html file into a WebViewer using WebView.LoadUrl(), but I can't seem to find the correct path to it.
Path to the class calling the WebView.LoadUrl() function: appinventor-extensions\appinventor\components\src\tmice\src\br\ufsc\gqs\teachablemachineimageclassifier\TeachableMachineImageClassifier.java
Path to the html file: appinventor-extensions\appinventor\components\src\tmice\src\br\ufsc\gqs\teachablemachineimageclassifier\assets\teachable_machine_image_classifier.html
(In other words, the html file is at /assets, relatively to the class calling it.)
To pass this path as a parameter to WebView.LoadUrl(), I've tried:
Using an absolute path according to Anke's post (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/teachable_machine_image_classifier.html)
Using getAssetPathForExtension() passing "teachable_machine_image_classifier.html" as the asset parameter.
What is the correct way to access this html file, both in a AI2 Companion-emulated and compiled Apps?
Is getAssetPathForExtension() the correct way to get the html's path? If so, how do I reference it as an asset?
You need to do something different if your html file is in the assets folder of your extension.
This is some code I used to "get" an html file from the extension's assets into a string:
//load html file from extension assets
final StringBuilder gethtml = new StringBuilder();
try {
final InputStream is = form.openAssetForExtension(this, "myfile.html");
int character = is.read();
while (character != -1) {
getcss.append((char) character);
character = is.read();
} catch (IOException e) {
myhtml = gethtml.toString();
Now you have your html file as a string, you can set this to a new temporary file and display it in a webviewer. Here is another example: