Help in dealing with json data

Hi everyone

I need help in how to deal with JSON data

I tried a lot to access each stime + etime of each of the 16 objects but i failed i only managed to access the 1 one.

the json variable data is


i put __ and the count so i know how many objects i can get but i'm still stuck in first step of accessing each data of those any help in what i shall add or do in these blocks below.

i know i need a new [ for each number block ] but for now i just let's say want to access object number 12 or 13.


here's the block

thank you in advance.

They should be separated with commas, and they should be in one list, so the correct JSON should be:


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I do not see you decode the JSON data into App Inventor values, if you do not decode them, it would be the same as selecting an item from a string.

Also, what is this?

Varius ways to work with json according to needs


Thank you i will try that i guess it's will fix my issue easily never heard of that block jsondecode with dictionaries.

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The best way I suggest you to deal with json objects or array is using extension which use org.json . Previously, I used to use Jerin's JsonUtils extension but due to some limitations of the extension, I have built one.

Download JsonParser extension

For me it is easier to work with dictionary blocks, all you have to do is to understand json's structure.


JsonObject starts with { and JsonArray starts with [ .. Easy way to figure out Array & Object.


I know that :slight_smile: I meant depending the structure you can use the proper block

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Yeah. ....

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Thank you Dora,

Now i got them fixed


I also used to use dictionaries to parse json, using mohammad tamer's extension to convert json to dictionaries as I remember.

Later, when I used some method of org.json while creating my baserow extension, I realised it is easier to understand, so had started using JsonUtils extension by Jerin. Later, I created own extension and started using it. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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