HELP! How do I make it so the image sprite moves again? And something else

Below is my code.
First I have a problem, as soon as I open the app, the image sprite starts moving on its own! And then it switches to the second screen, which works fine.
After returning to the first screen, I can't drag the image sprite anymore/ it won't let me do anything.

If it helps, the device im using to test it out is a Samsung S24 plus

Please help, I don't know what's wrong :frowning:

Dear @marchwithnoliuc,
I haven't tested your code, but, as a general hint, avoid to use multiple screens and use virtual screens instead; i.e. use Vertical and Horizontal arrangements that are made visible/not visible when the case. This avoids the lost of variables between screens.
If it is not too much difficult to rearrange your code in such a way, please try to do it. If you search the forum with the tag "virtual screens" you'll find a lot of examples.
Best wishes.

That is because you gave it a speed of 1000 in screen1.Initalize

It's like ordering pre-lit fireworks mail order.