Help for JSON in App Inventor

Hello everyone,
I have a problem with my JSON file in my app. I don't know how to access the value of "full" in my JSON file. It is in the list of "results" and in the list of "urls". AppInventor do not want to give me the value of this key. Does anybody know how to do it ? I'll show you an extract.
Thanks ! :slight_smile:

"total": 10000,
"total_pages": 10000,
"results": [
"id": "CB0Qrf8ib4I",
"slug": "CB0Qrf8ib4I",
"created_at": "2017-08-28T11:03:44Z",
"updated_at": "2023-06-24T23:01:54Z",
"promoted_at": "2017-08-28T15:37:10Z",
"width": 3379,
"height": 5068,
"color": "#d9d9d9",
"blur_hash": "LiKn9yNHoLR*~qxabIt6%hj@R*WB",
"description": null,
"alt_description": "group of people walking near body of water and building under blue sky at daytime",
"urls": {
"raw": "",
"full": ""},

I can't test without a full JSON file, so all I can offer is step by step instructions to get just the first one.

You will need to init global variables for the step by step results ...

set global decoded_JSON to Web1.DecodeJSONWithDictionaries(your JSON text)

set global results to get value of key 'results' in dictionary global decoded_JSON

set global firstResult to select item 1 of list global results

set global URLS to get value of key 'urls' in dictionary global firstResult

set global full to get value of key 'full' in dictionary global URLS

P.S. There is a fancy way to get this all in one block with a list of keys in a path.

{ "total": 10000, "total_pages": 10000, "results": [ { "id": "CB0Qrf8ib4I", "slug": "CB0Qrf8ib4I", "created_at": "2017-08-28T11:03:44Z", "updated_at": "2023-06-24T23:01:54Z", "promoted_at": "2017-08-28T15:37:10Z", "width": 3379, "height": 5068, "color": "#d9d9d9", "blur_hash": "LiKn9yNHoLR*~qxabIt6%hj@R*WB", "description": null, "alt_description": "group of people walking near body of water and building under blue sky at daytime", "urls": { "raw": "", "full": "" } } ] }

borrar_json22.aia (2.2 KB)

It functions flawlessly! I appreciate your assistance and the clarity of your explanations. Wishing you a fantastic day!