Help Extension Mbot2 (and Mbot1)

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I think it's good and when I touch a button to move the mbot:

I phoned my supplier, the old modules have not been on sale for a long time...

And the ones I had before are on robots from my old college

This is a BLE module. You can't connect to him with that old extension. Can you show us what is inside this bt module? We may find another solution.

I think you need this:

To understand better, your mbot is version 1 but you bought the bt module from version 2?

That is what I thought ....
It's nonsense, we can not even connect with anything other than their software..

I'm going to see if teachers from other colleges can lend me some for this year.

because unfortunately in France, in our establishments we can only order from our "official" suppliers and they don't have any...

thanks again

Can you point to their software for the new bt module?

sorry, point?

it connects very well with this:

Good morning,
last year you helped me a lot with my Mbot1+Appinventor competition. ([Help Extension Mbot2 (and Mbot1) - #46 by Patryk_F])

Thanks to you, I managed to get the Mbot1 + old bluetooth card + student application to work.
You can see the program that worked last year below.

To my great surprise, this year's programs did not work. I have the following message (see photo)

Last year's applications still work on mbot1s but not this year's....

I would like to point out that the applications created by my students last year work very well...and manage to control the Mbots

Have you contacted MakeBlocks? You might ask them if the extension for App Inventor they previously provided still works. My experience is the links I have seen to the extension have no aix file and possibly no longer exist.

I use:

The blocks download well.
And those from last year which used the same link, works

I wrote to Makeblock.
I have 2 days left to find a solution. Otherwise my robot competition falls through


Having not received a response from Makeblock. I decided to try with a more recent extension which works according to their site:

I modified my program last night and tested it on my phone and it works!!! I manage to control the Mbot1 robot.

But today with the school's Android tablets it doesn't work.

I get the message "No bluetooth device found"

An idea?!?

Which is an Android? Model and Android version?

Which are an Androids? Model and Android version?

What happens if you use YOUR phone at the school? Do you get the same message as the school Android's? Are your school's Android paired with the Ebot1 device?

A guess is your Tablets at school are older Androids and possibly do not need the Block where you as for permissions. I really am guessing. :cry: