I have a problem! and I'm still a beginner, even though I've looked for a solution but it's still not solved.
So I intend to create a financial management application because of school assignments. I've tried really hard but it doesn't work, can you guys help me with what makes the code block in my project not work?
This task has a very limited submission deadline of around a week...
please help me, thank you
Why no tag name for storing global amount to cloudDB ? It needs a tag name, otherwise how will you call it back ?
Why are you using 2 cloudDB instances, 1 should be sufficient...
You do not tell us what the error is!
about using 2 CloudDBs, I just tried to follow and combine two tutorials, I thought I wanted to just use 1 CloudDB but I don't know how to arrange the code blocks later. do you have any suggestions?
the error is
- The Amount label does not continuously display the latest results of the total number of transactions. So the amount label only appears 1 second after pressing the transaction button
- After I clicked the delete button, I couldn't use it again to re-enter data, so I was immediately directed to end the application
I'm waiting for your answer...
okay i will try this ASAP
I have a question for label1, label2 and label3 for which labels?
is label1 for amount and label2 for per-item cost in my block design? or maybe you can give me the design picture?
thank you
Label1 will show the balance (as a value)
Label2 will show the income transactions (as a list of lists)
Label3 will show the expenditure transactions (as a list of lists)
i have created it and modified it a bit. but I feel there is something strange in the Amount section, like after entering the data into the textbox and saving it, the Amount or label1 section doesn't immediately change? So I have to exit the application first, and enter the application again then it will change to the latest nominal value.
is it really like that?
I have followed your advice, but why is there no change?
is this some kind of bug or something?
I even saw the 2 video tutorials that I used to follow, and it is true that underneath there should be the block code that you have told me about.
this makes me confused
Show your relevant blocks
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It turns out I named 2 labels very similarly, only one uses one capital letter.
sorry for this carelessness
I really thank you for your help because it helped me complete my assignment!
If it weren't for your help, my problem would definitely not have been solved.
Considering it's already late at night, I have to get up early tomorrow for school.
Once again, thank you!